Sunday, March 18, 2012

Gorilla Genome Analysis

It is believed that humans and gorillas last shared a common ancestor around ten million years ago. This hypothesis was made by sequencing and studying the whole gorilla genome, which was recently completed and analyzed. Gorilla are the last of all the great apes to have their DNA sequenced. The complete genome of humans, chimpanzees and orangutans has already been completed. The research that was led by scientists from Cambridge and Houston came to a number of very interesting conclusions. For example, it was discovered that 15% of the gorilla's genome is much closer, and much more similar, between us and the gorillas, in comparison to us and chimpanzees, which are believed to be our closest relative in the animal kingdom. However, it was also found out that humans and chimps share around 98% of the same genes, while humans and gorillas have 96% of the same DNA. The genomes of all three species have shown that the brain evolution is very accelerated in all of them, as well as that humans and gorillas have similar genes that characterize hearing and sensory perception. It was believed that the evolution of humans' hearing was related to the fact that many millions of years languages startes to emerge. However, this theory was disproven when scientists discovered that the gene that is associated with gorillas' hearing has been evolving at the same pace. The research has also shown that gorillas have very rough and hard knuckles because of a gene that creates protein, which makes the skin particularly harder. However, the main reason scientists wanted to find out gorillas' genome sequence is because they have the opportunity to learn more about evolution. Before, it was believed that the seperation of different ape species happened relatively quickly. However, now, it is believed that speciation happened over a longer period of time.
I think that it is really amazing that sceintists are not only stopping at sequencing our DNA, but also discovering the genomes of other animals. Further research could really tell us about how humans as a species evolved over time, and maybe, even, how we began. Sequencing more genomes from different species could broaden our knowledge and understanding, not only about how genes work, but also about our existence on Earth, which is quite extraordinary.

Link to Original Article:
Author: Alok Jha
Date: March 7th, 2012

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