Thursday, September 9, 2010

Survival video

Organisms have been on our planet for 600 million years. Over time, they developed and adapted to their surrounding. They developed survival techniques, that they use in every day life. Survival requires water, a solid amount of food, oxygen, a way to keep warm, and an ability to somehow defend from attack of other predators. Different animals use different ways to survive, depending on their ecosystems, environments, topography and climate.
The sea-turtle is capable of swimming over 2,000 miles to lay her eggs, and keep them safe. The little turtles hatch in broad daylight, and then make their way to the sea. However, not many of them survive, because on their way across the shore, some of them get eaten by birds, and other predators.
Foxes keep near humans. This is because, over time, they realized that humans can always provide them with food (chickens, etc.)
Some animals have the strangest ways of catching prey, camouflaging, etc. The puffer fish puffers up, and turns itself into a spiky balloon for defence. A snapper turtle, opens it's mouth to get fish, because the fish think that the turtle's tongue is a worm, so they come to eat it. Canadian great tree frogs, freeze themselves during the long winter, and then melt the ice, with the first spring sunrays.
A camel is a great example of adaptation and survival. It can drink up to nine gallons of water, without stopping and then can make it last for a very long time. It also has a store of fat on its back, that provides it with nutrients during the long journeys in the desert.

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